Sunday, April 3, 2011

Janing in Ravenna

Janing: speed walking for the purpose of historical sightseeing.
Last weekend, I went on a class trip to Ravenna with our professor, Jan. He's Belgian and walks fast. This was of some concern because I don't walk fast. Yes we did create a verb out of his name. The 7 of us and Jan walked around Ravenna in circles seeing things in chronological order. I think we saw all of the churches in Ravenna in 24 hours. Actually only 24 hours. Maybe 26. I think the final count of churches was 14? I'm not sure but we won't go through all of them, just the highlights of the trip.
First, for Francesca's sake, I saw Dante's grave. Since living with her I have learned everything about him possible, as I'm sure i've mentioned. Dante is buried in Ravenna, instead of Florence where he spent most of his life, because he died in Ravenna in exile. Florence has been trying to get his remains back but Ravenna refuses. Because we had a strict schedule to keep to, we couldn't go in but don't worry I saw the outside. twice.

One thing Ravenna is known for is it's mosaics. I saw not aware of this but nonetheless they were beautifulll. Fortunately those have been kept in tact. There was one church, the Church of the Holy Apostles I believe, right behind Dante's grave, that had some of the best. There was also the Basilica of San Vitale, which was the last place that we went to, which was phenomenal. The apse and the altar area was 3 stories high of these bright colored mosaics. Also a mausoleum outside San Vitale had some great mosaics as well.

From the ceiling of a Baptistry

The best part about the trip was they pay for our dinner the one night that we were there. He took us to this place that he goes every time he's in Ravenna (which sounds like it's alot actually, he said he's taking 3 more classes there the next 3 weekends..). He got us wine and alot of appetizers and then dinner. I got a great pizza with peppers onions and sausage and traded half of it for Kelsey's pizza which was a white pizza with asparagus and pepperoni. They were both so so so good. All of the noms. Then dessert. Wonderful. I got some lemony creme brulee. I dont know I wasn't paying for it so we went all out and got alot. I mean we did already pay for it with tuition but Im going to make my tuition, that my parents are paying, go as far as I can. I'm a good business major.
Along with free dinner and seeing more churches then should be humanly possible, the weather was beautiful. It was like 65 and sunny and breezy. Pretty freaking great. I would have laid out if I had time... But clearly we didn't. It made the trip alot easier, not that it was awful at all. I had good company with Kelsey, Lily, Jack and Evan, and of course Jan.
Always looking good

If I had a much larger bank account I would make time to go back up because the shopping there was so cute. It was all these great boutique stores that would all look great in my closet.. It was just so cute. We were definitely the only Americans for a while which was cool. We of course got alot of looks not just because we were an awkward mass of students following around this man furiously scribbling down critical notes. It's also really small, given the fact that we walked all of it. 
Fortunately it was only one night because I don't know that I could have handled more walking; I slpet til 3 the next day because I was recovering. 
I have finally caught up on all my blogging that I have been neglecting for so long. Which is good because it's so nice out now that I would never have gotten it done. 
This next weekend I'm going on another class trip to Naples and Pompeii. I am so looking forward to Pompeii. Naples is whatever. But im banking on some good pizza again. nom nom nom

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