Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Buona Pasqua!!

That means Happy Easter/Passover in Italian! They have the same word for both holidays. I thought I should update briefly before I leave for spring break!! I could technically say that I am now on spring break because im going to be missing my class tomorrow FOR GREEECEEEE AOINGAEIURGA;JFJGNIWLBRGWRNGB IM SO EXCITED.

We leave before the sun comes up tomorrow to fly to Athens, then take a (9 hour) ferry to Crete where we are staying in an all inclusive resort!! Were there for about 2 and half days and then were taking a ferry to Mykonos for 3 or 4 days! Then we end in Athens where we will get to go to the Acropolis!!!! WAHHHHH ITS GOING TO BE AWESOME. Im travelling with Erica, Natasha, Kelsey, and Amy and we're meeting alot of our friends in Mykonos. It's going to be fantastic. Sun SUn Sun Sun! (i just got sunscreen and it is so expensive here!! i spent 20 euro. its the cheapest that they had. rip off).

I have started blog posts for Naples and Pompeii, and Sicily (I was there last weekend on a trip with school about the mafia, it was so awesome!! promise ill write about it eventually) but they will not be finished before i leave. I am really struggling in the packing area because i have to take a carry on for 9 days!!! HOW am i supposed to pack that much in my vera. absurd. but i dont want to pay to check it. yobs. its going to be packed to the brim.

So last night I went to a seder that my program hosted at a pretty nice restaurant for those that were interested. It was free so obviously I went and i love my jew friends. ;) It was pretty good we had pasta which caused a hub bub because your not supposed to eat leavened stuff but apparently it wasnt but i dont know. it was good i ate it all. we had a alot of free wine too which was awesome. At the end of the meal, true to tradition they hid the afikoman, the matzah in the napkin, somewhere in the restaurant and I found it!!! YAY winning! So they told me to come to the office to pick up my prize and this is what i got!!!

This is to scale. It is actually that big

Super excited to have all this chocolate. And milk chocolate nonetheless. and a green wrapper!! so great. These giant eggs are all over here and I guess all the kids get them. I dont care. I love it. Its going to be a great welcome home goodie when im all depressed about having to leave greece.
Some of you might not know quite how epic this is going to be. I love ancient Roman history almost as much as I love ancient Greek history. You know how i teared up in the Colosseum? Repeat Acropolis style. It's going to be so amazing. IM JUST SO EXCITED. In Crete we are right on a nice sandy beach and in Mykonos were going to go scootering around the island!! 

Hope everyone has a great break!! Buona Pasqua!!

1 comment:

  1. NOM. I didn't get any easter chocolate. Tell the pope I said hi.
