Thursday, January 13, 2011

Is this real liiifffe?

Ciao! From Roma!
I have successfully made it to the capital of the great land of Italy. It was quite the experience getting here.
The flight was surprisingly easy and was made much better by the fact that I was sitting with Francesca and our friend Will was on our flight! It was easier to check in on to my international flight then it is to try and go to Florida. Yobs. Francesca and I watched The Social Network on the way over which was very good, though it did make us want to give up the FB because Mark was quite a rude person.
Moving on, i barely slept on the flight, mostly due to the fact that it was impossible to be comfortable. The only time i ended up falling asleep was with my head resting on the back of the seat of the person in front of me. oy.
We flew over the Alps as we landed and got to see the Italian west coast and countryside. It was all very exciting! It was a beautiful view that even i could see from the very middle of the plane. Getting through customs was also a walk in the park; the man never even asked a question just stamped away and let me through. I had myself all geared up for an interrogation. Waiting for my luggage took awhile but it wasn't too bad, as it gave Francesca and Will and I a chance to talk. We then joined the rest of the group that had arrived previously and we all took a bus into the city. It was all so overwhelming. They have no rules on driving here; it is a free for all. There are no lanes and you drive to get around and hope for the best. However, with all the riding that I did today, I did not see an accident. I was sure about 4 times there was going to be one.
It took about 45 min to get into our apartment as they had made copies of the wrong keys...However I have discovered a place where they are most likely going to show the Ravens Steelers game on saturday; crisis averted. Our apartment is much more spacious then i thought it was going to be and even the shower i took was much better then I expected. we have quite a wide selection of reading material and it even looks like some of our potential textbooks have graced the shelves. The kitchen is small and the only thing we have bought to put in the fridge is wine. one large bottle of white and one .99 euro bottle of red. thats right. it didnt even cost a whole euro. doesnt even matter if its not good because its not good but im in romaaaa.
I'm sharing a room with Francesca and its much larger then what i imagined, about the size of my living room but a little smaller. Our other roommate Annie is sharing the other room with our yet to have surfaced roommate. We arent sure when shes coming.
We had pizza and gnocchi for lunch in the street level restaurant in our building on the Piazza della Radio. It is quite a street and once again I have yet to see an accident. There are also more dogs then I anticipated and wayyyy too many puffy shiny jackets. I'm not quite sure why people  wear them because they are not flattering.
We wandered around a little and crossed the Tiber River to get to another one of the girls apartments. On  our walk almost every street was lined with orange trees. And apparently there are lemon trees too. Who knew. Not I. I plan on eating an orange at one point, straight from the tree. The fresh fruit markets are stunning beautiful with color and I'm excited to go food shopping soon.
We all took our bus to an orange park. It is next to a temple turned basilica that has the most amazing view of Rome. lit up at night it was like nothing Ive ever seen. It is on my list of things to revisit. We then took a bus tour of the city in which I saw for the first time in real liiiiffe the Colosseum and the Roman Forum. Just outstanding. Love it. shortly after i fell asleep. I had not gotten a nap and the jet lag on top of the lack of sleep was getting to me. I was not alone though. I think just about everyone was asleep at one point or another.
We then proceeded to dinner in which i had pizza again, topped with mushrooms, olives, artichoke hearts (about 3/4 of one..?) a slice of prosciutto and spicy salami. It was pretty greattt. We had fabulous bruschetta and fried rice balls with cheese. I dont know but they were great. All in all it was a pretty great first day. I plan on gelato for breakfast tomorrow before we have more language testing and more group meetings. I looking forward to being able to explore on my own atleast without falling asleep...
I guess this is real liiiiffee... HA

1 comment:

  1. The worst part about reading that was thinking about the food. Just eat everything, promise?
